Monday, February 6, 2012


When I was on the way to the hospital on Tuesday morning I noticed an old farm that had been let go. It was surrounded by a fence and fields, so I made the assumption that the fields were being rented out.
That morning the sun wasn't shining and it was foggy. It was beautiful and I hoped that I would have time on Tuesday afternoon after the surgery to come back. 
Well as you know, things didn't go as planned. So I was returning from the condo (that my uncle let us stay in) with my dad. He suggested we stop and I snap a few pictures. The sun was shining so it would be a different look, but I stopped.
There were some equipment in the field behind the barns, but I didn't think anything of it.
Turns out a very foul man was working there. 
Basically (telling the story w/out the language) he yelled at me to get off the property. He said the owner didn't want any pictures taken and I was trespassing.
Thankfully I had snapped a few shots before he began yelling.
I'm wondering what he was doing if he was that upset about pictures and it wasn't even his property.
 Shadow of a trespasser.
 I really, really wish I could have gotten closer. Oh well!

1 comment:

  1. you know, my Uncle has a barn very similar to this, and I know he wouldn't cuss at us :) I wonder what he was up to as well, you just never know about people
