Monday, October 6, 2014

My marathon trip Part 1

Jon and I decided to make a mini vacation out of my marathon trip. So we headed to St. Charles on Friday. It was one of the most relaxing weekends that I've had in a really long time. Our hotel room was perfect, the weather was gorgeous, and the food was superb. 

We ate lunch in downtown St. Charles at this local family owned Italian restaurant. I can't remember EVER eating a pizza that good.

And then the dessert came. Oh. My. Word!
I might have pigged out.

On a funny side note: I went downstairs to use the restroom and found this lovely hole in the door.

 When sitting on the seat you could see and hear everything going on outside the door. Thank goodness there weren't any people downstairs.

Somehow, despite all of the pictures I took, I failed to get any pictures of the downtown. The roads were the original brick. Consequently it was like riding a roller coaster to drive down the road or walk on the sidewalks. But it was so cool. Since Jon or I weren't really interested in shopping we drove down the road for the experience, ate at the local restaurant and then explored the countryside outside of town. 

These are some of the pictures I took.
 This lady wasn't being very cooperative. As soon as I'd put the camera up she'd put her head down or turn away. But she was so sweet and pretty that I forgive her.

 Just to give you a frame of reference - my dad is 6 foot tall.
 Love this man!
 And my 4'll foot mom. =)
I had so much fun that didn't even relate to the marathon. It was the perfect, relaxing vacation.

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