Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Years Resolutions - Sorta

My list of New Year's Resolutions and why I've chosen them.
1. Budget
2. Exercise
3. Floss
4. Water
5. Eat Healthy/Less Sugar

I have been inspired. Jon's PS3 is partially to blame. He bought the PS3 Move and an exercise game. It's really cool. I've been doing the exercises for two weeks now and love it.
It tracks my calories burned and sets up personal workouts for me.
I'm actually enjoying working out and that is something I've struggled with for quite some time.

I'd been bothered for a while about some habits that I used to have that I've neglected. So I am going to take one month and make a concentrated effort to develop a habit.
Then next month I'll work on the next one. I haven't decided if I will start over and just learn 6 new habits in 2011 or if I'll come up with some more. I guess it all depends on how well I learn. =)

1. Jon and I used to be so good about budgeting our money each month and putting the receipts in the computer. But over the last year we've slacked off a bit. So our first habit will be working on getting our budget more fixed in our minds. This will require less eating out and more time on the computer putting in receipts, but I think it will be worth it.

2. I will actually be working on this in January as well since I've already started doing one of the workouts and it goes for 9 weeks. But since I'm not a big exercise person I think several months of working on the habit will be a good thing.

3. I used to floss regularly when I worked at the dental office. All of us would return from lunch and brush and floss before returning to work. But once the kids came I just got out of the habit. Now every night they floss, but I forget to take care of myself. So I want to make it become a habit again.

4. I do not enjoy drinking water. I never have. But it's something that is very important and I know that I will feel a lot better if I'm well hydrated. So I want to make this a habit.

5. As you know, I love chocolate. But unfortunately, this isn't the only fattening/sweet thing that I like. I would much rather eat something sweet than healthy. Since I'm wanting to lose a few pounds I want to change my eating habits as well as adding more water and exercise. I'm afraid that this will be the hardest habit of all to form. But I'm willing to try.

6. This may sound really crazy considering my love of books. But I get stuck in a rut with my reading. Recently BBC put out a list of classic books. They estimated that the regular person had only read six of them. I've read about 30, but this still leaves me 70 classic books that I haven't read. My library is full of what I call comfort books. They are books that I love and have read many times. Now I need to branch out and read other types of books. I have joined a book club and have just started another one. This will help with this as well.

These are my 6 New Year's Resolutions. I'm not really considering them resolutions as much as new habits to form. I will try to blog about my success on this quest to form new habits.
Because I refuse to fail. =)

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