Thursday, April 7, 2011

Selfish moment - a long one!

I'm having a serious selfish moment. Jon and I came from a small church in NC that had only a few active and willing to serve members. The same people held multiple positions each year. For the past 10 years Jon and I have done the same. We were on committees, boards and held several positions at the same time.
The last couple of years I've been really burned out. I tried to get out of helping so much by pleading the "I have small children card." It didn't work.

So we move here to a larger church and I was selfishly thankful that I wouldn't be asked to do something right away. But we've been here for about 8 months now and it's nominating time. For those of you unfamiliar with the SDA church structure - Our church has various positions and some of those positions are board positions. Board meetings are usually 1x a month. We also have a church school that also has a monthly board meeting. Then the Sabbath school classes have planning meetings. Then various committees take care of different parts of the church and it's functions.
Last week a sign up sheet was passed around with lists of the various jobs. I was supposed to put down which jobs that I was willing to take or help out with. Then nominating committee has an easier time filling those slots. But I left it blank. Then today I was sent an email asking for that information. 
I'm so selfish. Right now I don't have anything stressful going on. I don't have any job requirements. My only job right now is being a mother. Even the mom's groups are come if you want. And I REALLY don't want to do anything for a while. But what if the people at this church are burned out. I've had an 8 month break and should be willing to help them out. I love my church here. I enjoy the different programs and wouldn't want to see anything neglected. But I'm just not sure I want to be in charge of anything right now.
It's certainly not something I'm proud of and I still feel this way after writing about it. But since this blog is a journal, vent sight and a reflection of me - there it is. I'm being a very selfish person.

Update: I prayed about it and carefully looked over the list of jobs. Then I chose a few that I don't think will be difficult, stress me out, or take me away from my family. If they ask me to do even two of them I think it will be a good compromise.

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